What is the purpose of this blog?
Under the sun everything has its own purpose of existence, same as this blog has also some purposes too. Through this blog:
I am here to hold your hands. Come out and serve this great nation India and this precious world as well with your creative ideas!!!
Many people around the globe have been regularly asking about the purpose of this blog. I am going to share with you the purpose behind starting this blog.

I have a journey to share with the world that how anybody can come out from any background and change the entire thing with his/her unique talents they are born with and skill sets they possess.
Who am I?
Hi, I am Rajiv. I am a commerce graduate from Delhi University, India. A Serial Entrepreneur. I have achieved my financial freedom in the year 2014 by the way of multiple streams of income generation. To know about me more please read About page.
How has this journey begun?
In the year 2006, I was just enrolled in college and I used to go there on my bicycle. And I must say that was fun. But a regular scene I used to face every day on the gate (which was next to a red light crossing) of my college and that scene was a disturbing factor to me.
What was that?
The that disturbing scene was few little children of hardly the age of 3-7 years that were begging around bikers, car drivers etc. when the red light on. They were awesome gymnasts and they were trained by their parents. No school, no basic facility, no good clothes, no shoes etc.
What Did I then?
First few days I have just ignored them but as much as time got passed a compassion inside me born for them. I literally interviewed many children on different red lights in between my residence to college. And came to know about a shocking factor. 90% of them told me that “once they were used to going to school, but their parents are not able to afford their school fees.” Due to non-payment of their school fees, their name was struck out of school register. Rest of the 10% was forced by their parents into this begging profession.
After knowing this fact, literally, I screamed like anything. I was thinking like “in India, there are big companies like TATA, Reliance, Airtel, Aditya Birla etc. then why not they are doing anything for these children.”
My Decision…
I decided something at the gate of my college. And that decision changed everything afterward. I decided to become an Entrepreneur to help underprivileged around the world.
I was not aware of how to start a business? How to become an entrepreneur? I discussed with my friend Harvinder Singh about all my agony. He is having a compassionate heart. He suggested me then about Chartered Accountancy Course (in the USA it is CPA) because a CA knows how to strategize a business and its finances (it was our thinking).
From this point onwards a painful journey was begun.
Journey behind the cause:
Entrance Exam:
After our great decision (as we thought) we started preparing for the entrance exam. And cleared as well. It was an objective type exam with 1/4th negative marking. There were 200 questions and I attempted only 100 questions i.e. only 50% and it was also passing marks. Insane? Right.
But there was a cause behind it, I know I will do it. The result came and by Lord’s grace, I was in!!!
After clearing the entrance exam we were qualified for the mandatory internship which is a part of CA course. It was the toughest part of my journey. I gained huge experience in four and a half years of internship. That later gave me exceptional leverage in all my ventures.
From local businesses to UN agencies, World Bank, ADB, IFC, IMF I gained immense knowledge about the ecosystem, how it works in the real world? But it was not easy. I struggled a lot to learn something new every day for my entrepreneurial journey later. I had sleepless nights. Lots of social and family sacrifices and much more.
That time my stipend was just INR 750/- pm (USD 19.02) in the starting and ended up with INR 1500/- pm (USD 30.33) in the final year of internship. Since I received my first stipend of INR 750/- I started managing it.But I was not much aware of investing but later I was.
But I was not much aware of investing but later I become expert in investing and I will teach you too. When my internship finished I came out a whole new mature person. Ready to fly in the open sky with the wings of my vision.
With my internship, I came to know about blogging. I immediately created a blog on blogger. And start playing with that and later came to know the true potentials of blogs. It was an awesome start. And I learned great insights about blog and monetization of it. That blog exposed me to a new opportunity (will discuss my blog and its rewards in future posts).
What Next?
After completion of my CA internship, I left office. And started my first venture Yeshua Manufacturers & Traders with just INR 26/- only (will share “How” this journey later). From this point onward I came back to my vision but now as a trained Entrepreneur. The first thing I did was a market survey. Finally one day I came to know about the manufacturing of paper crockery and calculated the essentials of that market and its opportunities. When I found satisfactory results, I did my first general meeting with my 4 friends.
There Response:
In my first general meeting, I showed them my survey and its opportunities. I began with this “I am going to start a business and I don’t want you to invest in it but just stand with me, rest I will take care off. But he who left at this point, make sure never blame me in future.” Oh! that was a great surety, isn’t it? But human nature!!! Out of 4 friends, 2 of them left immediately. Two of them stand with me.
Before Manufacturing:
After our meeting, we have planned our first manufacturing factory. And finalized a plot for our factory. After all discussion and documentation, the landlord gave us 3months for possession. For those three months, we started trading of formal shirts, T-shirts, and premium jeans as well with accessories. I traveled almost 4000 km with my samples.
- Name of Company: I named my first company as “Yeshua Manufacturers & Traders”
- Logo: As I am equipped with designing skills (one of the rewards of my blog creation experience), I designed my first logo as well and updated it. Here it is…

Here first part ends.
Friends, I have lots of things to share with you. I will continue to share my journey in next part. Till then share your opinions. Your expectations from me. How can I help you to reach your own destiny?
Always remember, I am here to hold your hands.
Live your passion…

A visionary, catalyst, educator, corporate strategist, successful serial entrepreneur, founder of many ventures including a Public Limited Company “Catalystic® Digiprenuer Enterprises Limited”, initiator of Arthkaar®, various socio-economic projects, and very passionate about new business opportunities; encouraging and equipping young entrepreneurs with different private and Government platforms, and a dynamic visiting faculty with the Ministry of MSME_Govt. of India and active national member with World Human Rights Protection Council to advocate Human Rights.