
Welcome To The World’s Only Catalystic Community Of Nation Builders!

Every community has some specific objective of their existence or formation!

A community is a cornerstone of any developed nation. As if “a cornerstone placed properly at the beginning, then the entire structure builds appropriately if not then it would become a disaster.” ~ Rajiv Chand

This universal law applies everywhere around us. Whether it is our personal life, family life, social life, business life, or any physical construction and so on.

It also applies to those systems that govern any country such as government structure, communication structure, education structure, commercial structure etc.

Therefore, on this universal truth, our founder, Rajiv has laid the foundation of this community with a vision to:

  • Accelerate
  • Build
  • Connect
  • Co-operate
  • Contribute
  • Diversify
  • Enlight
  • Expand
  • Formulate
  • Help
  • Hand Holding
  • Integrate
  • Lift up
  • Manage
  • Nurture
  • Organize
  • Regard
  • Respect
  • Share
  • Serve
  • Support
  • Team up with those who are keen for the nation’s development.

Catalystic Community

“We have formulated a Catalystic Community at Rajiv Chand International which stimulates the evolution process at every stage of the entrepreneurship.”

Catalystic Community
Silver Catalyst Member
Gold Catalyst Member
Diamond Catalyst Member
Platinum Catalyst Member
Catalystic Community

A Community is the base of any developed country!!!

Silver Catalyst Member

Silver Membership is for:

Gold Catalyst Member

Gold Membership is for:
Self Employed

Diamond Catalyst Member

Diamond Membership is for:
Startups & Businesses up to 50 crore turnover.

Platinum Catalyst Member

Platinum Member is for:
Investors, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, Real Estate-Builders

Disclosure: Before making any financial transaction (online or at our franchise offices) for the offer made on this page or its associated pages, you must talk to our executives or visit your nearest RCI office to get the appropriate information about these memberships.